Weep Not For Me Mother, Eastern Orthodox icon - SOLD

Weep Not For Me Mother, Eastern Orthodox icon - SOLD
Weep Not For Me Mother icon is from a group of related icons that are associated with the liturgical text of the Holy Week.
It portrays the Theotokos who is weeping for her Son during his burial. However, this image does not only speak of suffering and sorrows. The name of the icon Weep Not For Me, O Mother is a quote from the heirmos of Ode 9 of the Canon of Holy Saturday (celebrated as the day after the crucifixion): “Weep not for me, Mother, seeing in the tomb the son, conceived without seed in the womb, For I shall arise and be glorified, as God I shall exalt with glory unceasing those who with faith and love magnify you.” The Western European (Roman Catholic) equivalent of the “Weep Not for Me, Mother” is the Pietà.
Medium: Egg tempera and gold leaf on wood
Size: 11x14 inches, frame, wired and ready to hang.